PinnedJames KarugainThe Daily CuppaIs Knowledge Destroying Optimism?Our civilization is arguably the most knowledgeable in human existence. The internet makes instant access to information possible from…3h ago13h ago1
PinnedJames KarugainThe ShortformMaking The Case For Rational DictatorsIn most countries, citizens perpetually complain about their political leaders who over-promise and under-deliver.18h ago18h ago
PinnedJames KarugainThe Daily CuppaDivesting From The Rat RaceRat race is working hard in life to acquire money, power, and status. Competition is the foundation of rat racing.1d ago11d ago1
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James KarugainILLUMINATIONHow Emotional Intelligence Makes Me Tolerable! So There is Hope For You!You are at an event. All is going well it seems but then someone stands to speak and a cringe-fest ensues when they open their mouth. As…4d ago4d ago
James KarugainThe HavenDiary Of “Oppressed” Proctologists Fighting Medical Racism….I woke up with bad breath feeling like a low-cost Nelson Mandela. Why? I’ve found a cause to fight for although I am not willing to spend…5d ago15d ago1
James KarugainThe Daily CuppaThe “Discriminatory” Nature Of TalentsEach of us is born with a talent. And learning improves the skill level of that talent. Surprisingly, learning produces variations in how…Aug 312Aug 312
James KarugainThe Daily CuppaI Aspire for This Kind of RichWe visited an orphanage for special needs children and helped with errands like cleaning, basic repairs, and all that jazz.Aug 293Aug 293
James KarugainThe Daily CuppaWhy Do Some Fail and Others Succeed? The Fate Riddle?It’s puzzling how success comes to some people. In 2020, Khaby Lane, a French factory worker, got laid off. Then he started making goofy…Aug 273Aug 273